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How to wear Bownot Hairpin

How to wear Bownot Hairpin

  • Categories:Bownot Hairpin
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  • Time of issue:2021-04-07 18:06
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(Summary description)Welcome to buy the cheapest and best quality Bownot Hairpin products by Manufacturers china.

How to wear Bownot Hairpin

(Summary description)Welcome to buy the cheapest and best quality Bownot Hairpin products by Manufacturers china.

  • Categories:Bownot Hairpin
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  • Time of issue:2021-04-07 18:06
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To be an exquisite pig girl, you must dress yourself well, from head to toe. Recently, I’m obsessed with hairpins and I can’t pull them out, so the simplest Bownot Hairpin will look better in that position. Let me teach you some tips on how to wear Bownot Hairpin.

Cheapest Bownot Hairpin Manufacturers china
1. Clamp it on the side. Generally, Bownot Hairpin is more suitable for bangs and bangs on the side. A clip without bangs will look more mature. If you put it on one side, it will look mature and cute.
2. Clamp on the top of the head. Some people like to clip the front fringe area, and then clip a Bownot Hairpin clip on it. You can often see it, and it is also more common. You can try it. If you don't like the protruding one, you can clip a smaller clip.
3. One Bownot Hairpin on each side. One girl on each side is suitable for the middle point. For example, the star Zhao Liying often shows her face without bangs in her hair styling. The girl with a small face can consider showing her face in the middle point. A Bownot Hairpin on both sides will be very cute.
4. The ponytail is clamped on top of the ponytail. Nowadays, many girls who like girls will also like ponytails. You can consider putting a ponytail and buckle a Bownot Hairpin. If you are a soft girl or a cute girl, you can clip a big Bownot Hairpin. If it’s cool, you can clip a smaller one. The clip is decorated on it, it will not be too monotonous.
5. Bownot Hairpin braided croissants. Recently, the more popular croissant braids are relatively small and fresh. You can try to clip the Bownot Hairpin at the end of the hair after braiding the croissants, and it will look cute. Of course, you can also use a small Bownot Hairpin clip to clip on the braid. It is best to use fresh ones such as light pink and light blue, and you can follow the color of candy.
6. Tie Bownot Hairpin on the side fishbone braid. Many more mature girls like to tie a fishbone braid on the side, and then clip a small Bownot Hairpin hair accessory, which is simpler and has a fluffy tie, which can properly perm and curl the hair better.


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